The Power of Authenticity in Employee Onboarding

Why Do Some Employees Stay? Why do others quit?

These questions puzzle many employers: Why do some employees remain committed to the company for years, while others depart shortly after onboarding? Recent research indicates that the answer could be closely linked to the onboarding process, specifically allowing new hires to authentically express themselves from the beginning.

Academic Insight into Authentic Onboarding

A study by Dan Cable, Francesca Gino, and Brad Staats titled "Breaking Them in or Eliciting Their Best? Reframing Socialization around Newcomers’ Authentic Self-expression" provides valuable insights. Traditionally, onboarding processes have focused on assimilating new hires into the organizational culture. However, this study advocates for a different approach. It reveals that when companies encourage new hires to be themselves and express their personal identities during onboarding, the benefits are manifold, including more satisfied customers and higher levels of employee engagement after six months.

Quantifying the Impact

The data is quite striking. Companies that emphasize personal identity during the onboarding process experience a 250% increase in employee retention after just seven months. When compared to organizations that predominantly focus on embedding organizational identity, it becomes clear that personal identity holds significant weight.

StoryTiling's Approach to Personalized Onboarding

StoryTiling specializes in assisting companies in creating personalized onboarding videos that offer a warm welcome to new hires even before their first day on the job. Through the use of carefully crafted scripts, StoryTiling ensures that these messages resonate authentically with each new hire. These videos honor each new employee as a unique individual, deserving of an onboarding experience that respects and celebrates that uniqueness.

The Importance of an Authentic Work Environment

Creating an authentic onboarding experience does more than make new hires feel welcomed. It also lays the foundation for a work culture that appreciates the unique identities and contributions of all team members. Such a culture is not merely a 'nice-to-have'; it is vital for building a more engaged, fulfilled, and purpose-driven workforce.

Emphasizing authenticity during onboarding sets the stage for a similarly authentic workplace culture. Employers should aim to make the first impression count, not just for the organization but also for every unique individual joining the team.


Anthropology & HR


Aliaa Remtilla's Story